Factors to take into consideration when creating a music video?
Genre of music
The style of the band or artist
Whether it should be controversial or conventional
Setting/filming location
The deadline for the video
Whether the video will feature people other than the band/artist
Why do bands/artists like music videos?
Promotion - music videos are promotional tools
They allow the band to be seen as well as heard
Artists are recognizable - star image/status
Band/artists may develop a personal image or theme
Fun - the experience of working on location & acting etc...
It offers another way to express the emotions and feeling of the song
Can include visual narrative or representations that enchance the meaning of the song
Audiences can identify with characters in videos (especially during narrative elements)
Promotion for the label - other artists from the label appearing in the video
Music videos are highly stylized representations of the band - the look, styling, hair and makeup is carefully considered and managed
Summer Video, Stop Motion & Animation
Skills acquired: Animating this video expanded my existing knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Premier. To create the movement within the video, such as the spinning and moving across the screen, I used the key frame options on Premier. Again, like the stop motion video, whilst I gained numerous skills creating the video I don’t think that this is the right style for my actual music video.
Skills acquired: Creating this stop motion video gave me an insight as to what would be involved if I chose to do this for my actual music video. Whilst I enjoyed learning how to set up a suitable background, import images from the camera to the computer and edit in Adobe software I don’t feel that this is the style of work I would like to produce for my final video.
Skills acquired: Whilst filming this video I gained experience in storyboarding, working as part of a team, filming on location and editing with Sony Vegas software. As I have chosen to film my actual music video on location this previous knowledge will be particularly useful.